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Drop-In Program
Haven's Drop-In Program has continued to serve as an invaluable resource to the women we serve.
Haven's Drop-In sessions are available Tuesday to Thursday by telephone or in person from 1-3 pm. Drop-In is a free and confidential service for women who have experienced abuse in intimate relationships, childhood sexual abuse, and/or trauma and sexual assault. The Drop-In Program offers a brief opportunity to identify risk indicators, needs, emotional support and possible referrals. The referrals could involve Haven’s Services or other resources in the community.
This is an opportunity to have a 15-30 minute one-on-one informal meeting with Haven staff to determine how Haven Society and/or the community can best meet an individual’s needs. ​Drop-In appointments are on a first come, first serve basis.
For more information on our Drop-In Program, please call (250)756-2452 or email haven@havensociety.com