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What does the Haven Transition House Provide?
Haven Transition House provides temporary shelter and support for women and children who have experienced violence and are seeking safety while exploring their options.
Women from all walks of life and backgrounds come to Haven House. Trauma in families can result from many forms of emotional, physical, sexual, verbal, financial and psychological abuses. At Haven House all forms of violence are taken seriously. Haven House staff assist resident parents and children in understanding and coping with effects of family violence. Haven House is a safe environment that provides crisis support, referral services, children’s counselling, parenting skills, individual and group support.
All Haven House services support self-awareness, self-determination and choices based on each person’s situation, needs and understanding. A Women’s Support Worker is always available for crisis support, assessment, admission or referral support. Advocacy and accompaniment is available when possible.
Childcare, nutritious meals, bedding and laundry facilities are provided in a secure environment that is focused on the safety and well-being of each resident.
Above all , Haven Transition House is COMMITTED to HELPING you and your children take the next step to create lives free from violence.

Family Support at Haven House
When children arrive at Haven House they are often in crisis. They need safety, care and support to help them cope with feelings of fear and confusion which result from being exposed to family violence in their homes.
Children are supported to understand abuse is not their fault. Mothers and other caregivers are supported to help their children deal with the trauma and changes that are often part of leaving an abusive home. Families are supported to increase awareness of abuse, develop strategies for safety and strengthen resilience for change.
Support Groups Offered by Haven Society
Support groups are provided for women who have experienced abuse and violence in intimate relationships. Groups are open and welcome women to attend one or more sessions. Women who have left the Transition House and wish to continue exploring safety, awareness an options are also welcome to participate.
Parenting groups and groups for children may also be available. Please call the Transition House and Women’s Counselling Program 250-756-2452 for more information and updates.